
2019 Sustainable Development Goal Advocate

2019-01-22T16:21:56+00:00January 22nd, 2019|News|

Development Perspectives are currently recruiting for our SDG advocate programme, the programme offers 26 active citizens an opportunity to represent their community, by becoming one of Ireland’s positive change makers. The 8 month training course will allow the advocates to deepen their understanding of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, represent the project internationally and lead transformative change in Ireland. They are looking for community activists, change makers and global thinkers to apply for the chance to take part by February 19th. The chosen participants will travel to Vietnam or Tanzania [...]

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All Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020

2019-01-07T15:29:22+00:00January 7th, 2019|News|

Get involved with the Irish Pollinator Initiative - About one third of our Ireland’s 101 native bee species are threatened with extinction. Bees are the most important pollinator of crops and native plant species in Ireland, and according to a recent study by the Department of the Environment, are worth an estimated €85 million per annum to the Irish economy.     Click this link to view the aims of the initiative

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Recovery College South East Timetable Jan-May 2019

2019-01-16T09:11:44+00:00January 7th, 2019|News|

Recover College South East’s Winter/Spring 2019 timetable for Kilkenny, Carlow and Wexford have been announced - please click on the relevant links here    SE RecoveryCollege Kilkenny Timetable Jan to May 2019                                     SE RecoveryCollege CARLOW Timetable - Jan to May 2019       SE RecoveryCollege WEXFORD Timetable Jan-May 2019    to view the timetables and the relevant enrolment forms. The courses/workshops in the Recovery College are for everyone, as mental health is everyone's business.  We are all directly or indirectly affected by it. Completed enrolment forms can be posted or emailed to the Recovery College South East [...]

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Call for Input on the development of a national volunteering strategy

2018-12-10T13:59:38+00:00December 10th, 2018|News|

THE DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT have published a ‘Call for Input’ on the development of a national volunteering strategy. The document poses a number of questions on the current state of volunteering in Ireland, the challenges faced by volunteers and organisations and how we can develop the future of volunteering. Answers to these questions will inform the development of a national volunteering strategy. Volunteer Ireland and the network of Volunteer Centres and Volunteering Information Services have been advocating for a national volunteering strategy for many years and this [...]

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Enabling Inclusive Communities – New Report by Pobal

2018-12-03T14:29:19+00:00December 3rd, 2018|News|

A new report by Pobal has underlined the importance of the State valuing and supporting the community, voluntary and not-for-profit sector. The report - Enabling Inclusive Communities: Achievements, Challenges & Future Directions - followed a series of regional seminars between November 2017 and April 2018 on the theme of ‘enabling inclusive communities: achievements, challenges and future directions’. The 5 seminars, attended by representatives from 247 organisations, provided an opportunity for Pobal to engage directly with community stakeholders across a range of programmes, while providing a reflective space to identify what was working [...]

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2018-11-27T15:41:34+00:00November 27th, 2018|News|

CALLAN & THOMASTOWN DRAFT LOCAL AREA PLANS Kilkenny County Council invites submissions on draft local area plans for Callan and Thomastown. Comments on the plans must be submitted by 5pm Thursday 20th December 2018. View plans at ... -plan-2019 and ... -plan-2019


16 Days Campaign Opposing Violence against Women

2018-11-20T15:40:59+00:00November 19th, 2018|News|

Violence against Women  16 Days campaign against Violence against Women which will take place from November 25th – December 10th.  There will be various awareness raising event co-ordinate by the Carlow Domestic Abuse Network over the course of the campaign.  #Change the Conversation.    For more information  - Click on the links 16 facts 16 days Myth Postcard 1 No Woman ever deserves Abuse    Myth Postcard 4 - She must've known      Myth Postcard 3 - She must've done something to deserve it         Myth Postcard 2 - Domestic Violence is a Private [...]

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The Enterprising Community by Senan Cooke

2018-11-13T11:59:11+00:00November 13th, 2018|News|

Recently published book by Senan Cooke  - A Bottom up perspective on the capacity within communities to regenerate. Enterprising Community Flyer - click here to view                Endorsements of Senan's book click this link to view

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Disability Federation of Ireland – Make Way Day

2018-11-12T15:06:20+00:00November 12th, 2018|News|

MAKE WAY DAY 2018 – Disability Federation of Ireland – have released Media Coverage follow up report and survey on this day. At a glance, the campaign: Featured on RTE News TV and RTE Radio 1, Morning Ireland with Sean O’Rourke, Reached over one million people on Facebook alone Trended no.1 on Twitter for over 4 hours Featured in 27 Newspaper articles Was spoken about on 18 Regional radio stations Featured in Numerous Online publications, including  - to view Media Coverage - click this link to view survey report

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Digital Skills for Citizens Scheme

2018-11-12T14:48:27+00:00November 12th, 2018|News|

This is an initiative under the Government’s National Digital Strategy, which is funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment, to provide free basic digital skills training for citizens who do not have the confidence or skills to use the internet. Training classes are taking place in every County nationwide with classes advertised locally, times and venues are arranged to meet the needs identified by citizens. Organisations who are interested in receiving training classes can also contact the Grantees to organise group training for up to 10 citizens per class. [...]

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