PPN Representatives are elected by the  PPN members on to a particular Board or Committee to represent the issues of that group. The PPN Representatives are guided and supported by their linkage group.

Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs)

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs)

SPC1: Economic Development, Enterprise Support, Tourism, Planning & Development Policy
SPC2: Transport Policy, Mobility Management, & Infrastructure
SPC3:  Housing
SPC4: Climate Action, Energy, & Environmental Protection
SPC5: Community, Integration, Cultural, Heritage, & Fire Services

Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP) — Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP)

Kilkenny Heritage Council

The Children and Young Person’s Services Council (CYPSC)

Joint Policing Committees (JPCs)

Kilkenny Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)

If you wish to apply to become a PPN representative for a vacant SPC seat, please apply through our SPC Nomination Form, or contact the Kilkenny PPN Office at 086 779 4710 or email us at

If you wish to apply to become a PPN representative on an alternative local board or committee, please contact the Kilkenny PPN Office at 086 779 4710 or email us at