About Kilkenny PPN
The Kilkenny Public Participation Network (PPN) is the new structure and platform by which the local community can engage with Kilkenny County Council. It forms the link between local Voluntary & Community, Social Inclusion, and Environmental sectors and the local governing body.
Established in 2014 through the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the PPN ensures that the public can have their say on local government decisions.
Climate Action Work Engagement Fund 2024
This grant round is to support groups or organisations working to bring people together and share information in communities. NB: There will be a webinar to go through the grant round [...]
Free PPN Webinar Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Thursday 25th November from 6pm Kilkenny PPN has organised a workshop which is being facilitated by Development Perspectives. This is specifically for PPN member organisations, PPN representatives and Secretariat members as well as other PPN [...]
Kilkenny PPN and LAWPRO Online Meeting – Kilkenny Rivers Under Threat
Kilkenny’s Rivers are under threat from Pollution A PPN community group meeting, organised by the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) and facilitated by Kilkenny PPN, will take place on Tuesday 23rd [...]
Kilkenny Community & Voluntary Awards 2021 Nomination Form
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGJ-lA1P0R8 The Kilkenny Community and Voluntary awards will take place on 2nd December 2021 and is a collaborative effort between Kilkenny Volunteer Centre and Kilkenny PPN with support from Kilkenny County Council and [...]
National Water Safety Awareness Week June 14th -June 20th
National Water Safety Awareness Week takes place from June 14th – June 20th 2021. During the week, Water Safety Ireland’s national campaign will communicate important water safety messages to the Irish public. The central theme [...]
Ministerial Webinar on “Our Rural Future – Rural Development Policy 2021 – 2025” for PPN MEMBER GROUPS ONLY!!!
For PPN Members ONLY!!! As requested by PPN’s over the last couple of weeks, in conjunction with our colleagues in the Rural Strategy and Social Inclusion Unit, we are hosting a Webinar specifically for PPN’s [...]
Hopefully this will be the last online Plenary that Kilkenny PPN will have. We are very eager to have an opportunity to meet and greet once again and get back to being back on the [...]
William Marshall Pop Up Talks & Tour Series
The OPW, Kilkenny Castle, will host a free pop [...]
The Battle of Carrickshock Talk
As part of their anniversary celebrations and the Decade [...]
The Good Governance Award
The Good Governance Awards recognises and encourages adherence to good [...]
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