What’s Happening

Kilkenny PPN and LAWPRO Online Meeting – Kilkenny Rivers Under Threat

2024-02-28T15:14:46+00:00November 12th, 2021|Events and Training|

          Kilkenny’s Rivers are under threat from Pollution   A PPN community group meeting, organised by the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) and facilitated by Kilkenny PPN, will take place on Tuesday 23rd of November 2021 at 7pm. The purpose is to discuss the issues affecting water quality in Kilkennyrivers, andwhat is proposed to protect and restore them. If you are concerned about the condition of your local river. Please join the meeting and have your say. Water quality in our rivers, lakes, groundwater, and coastal waters have [...]

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Kilkenny Community & Voluntary Awards 2021 Nomination Form

2024-02-28T14:23:09+00:00September 22nd, 2021|News|

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGJ-lA1P0R8 The Kilkenny Community and Voluntary awards will take place on 2nd December 2021 and is a collaborative effort between Kilkenny Volunteer Centre and Kilkenny PPN with support from Kilkenny County Council and the Department of Rural and Community Development. The aim of the awards is to recognise the commitment of the countless community and voluntary groups across Co. Kilkenny and the volunteers who work tirelessly to provide services to the old, the young, the isolated, the lonely, and the vulnerable in our community. The awards will celebrate [...]

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National Water Safety Awareness Week June 14th -June 20th

2024-02-28T14:58:46+00:00June 18th, 2021|Events and Training|

National Water Safety Awareness Week takes place from June 14th – June 20th 2021. During the week, Water Safety Ireland’s national campaign will communicate important water safety messages to the Irish public. The central theme for this year is ‘Better Safe, Than Sorry’ – reminding us all to take necessary care when on, near or in water. Further details can be found at www.watersafety.ie/national-water-safety-awareness-week/  

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Ministerial Webinar on “Our Rural Future – Rural Development Policy 2021 – 2025” for PPN MEMBER GROUPS ONLY!!!

2021-06-18T14:22:48+01:00June 18th, 2021|News|

For PPN Members ONLY!!! As requested by PPN’s over the last couple of weeks, in conjunction with our colleagues in the Rural Strategy and Social Inclusion Unit, we are hosting a Webinar specifically for PPN’s on the recently launched “Our Rural Future - Rural Development Policy 2021 – 2025” by Minister Humphreys and the Government. The Webinar will be attended by the Minister of State, Joe O’Brien, T.D. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation. Please feel free to share the link below [...]

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2024-02-28T14:58:55+00:00June 4th, 2021|Events and Training|

Hopefully this will be the last online Plenary that Kilkenny PPN will have. We are very eager to have an opportunity to meet and greet once again and get back to being back on the ground with you again. Until then, we will continue to work with you and on your behalf to ensure that your voice is heard at policy level. Kilkenny PPN has continued to work and deliver upon its objectives albeit differently than before. We will be hosting our Plenary online on Tuesday 15th of June from [...]


Publication of the Chief Executive’s Report on Submissions to the Kilkenny Draft Development Plan

2024-02-28T14:59:01+00:00June 4th, 2021|News|

Following engagement with the consultation process of the City & County Development Plan  2021 -2027, I  wish to inform you that the Chief Executive’s Report on Submissions to the Draft City and County Development Plan was recently submitted to the Kilkenny County Councillors, and is now available on our dedicated Development Plan website, at the following link: https://ourplan.kilkenny.ie/publication-of-chief-executives-report-on-submissions-to-the-draft/ The Council are meeting at 3pm on Tuesday 8th June to consider this Report.  A member of the public who wishes to join the Council Meeting should contact Brenda Kelly:  for a link to the [...]

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2024-02-28T14:59:07+00:00June 4th, 2021|Events and Training|

The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) are interested in getting your views on Public Participation Networks (PPNs). PPNs were first set up six years ago. They are now operational in all counties in Ireland and have over 18,000 groups with over 1.5 million members registered with them. The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) has appointed Mazars consultants to carry out an independent structural review of the PPNs to guide their future development and ensure that the structures in place allow for effective representation of their communities [...]


Creating a Vision for Community Well Being for Kilkenny

2024-02-28T14:59:16+00:00May 24th, 2021|Events and Training|

Let's work together to develop a Vision for Community Well being for Kilkenny. What is a Vision for Community Well being? Developing a Vision for Community Well being means thinking about what we have and what we need to help Kilkenny to be as great as it can be for us and for the many generations that follow on from ours. Our well being is affected by many things; the economy, the environment, community services and more. As part of a national initiative, the PPN has been tasked by Government [...]

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An Garda Síochána’s Diversity Internship for Graduates and School-leavers

2021-05-06T11:56:54+01:00May 6th, 2021|News|

Please see attached details of An Garda Síochána’s Diversity Internship for Graduates and School-leavers. School-leavers: The Internship Programme aims to provide school leavers from communities that have been traditionally under-represented within An Garda Síochána, with an opportunity to work with us for a period of 9 months commencing September 2021. Interns will be based in a number of locations across the country, including Garda Headquarters. -  Must have earned a Leaving Certificate or equivalent prior to their starting date in September 2021 Graduates: This Internship Programme aims to provide graduates from communities [...]

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Kilkenny Social Enterprise Survey

2024-02-28T14:59:21+00:00April 9th, 2021|News|

If you run a social enterprise in Kilkenny - large or small - we want to hear your views. Kilkenny Public Participation Network (PPN) is conducting this research to understand how social enterprises can be better supported to grow and develop. We appreciate your time  - the survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Most of the questions are check-boxes. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KilknySoclEnter

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