About Kilkenny PPN
The Kilkenny Public Participation Network (PPN) is the new structure and platform by which the local community can engage with Kilkenny County Council. It forms the link between local Voluntary & Community, Social Inclusion, and Environmental sectors and the local governing body.
Established in 2014 through the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the PPN ensures that the public can have their say on local government decisions.
Kilkenny PPN Strategic Plan 2025-2030
Kilkenny PPN is excited to introduce our Strategic Plan for 2025-2030! This plan is designed as a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the objectives and key actions to support the Kilkenny Public [...]
Call for Nominations to SPC 4- Environment Protection, Climate Action and Energy
Kilkenny PPN is currently seeking expressions of interest to fill the PPN Environmental Seat of the Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) 4 within Kilkenny County Council. Please find below further information on the call for nominations [...]
Setting up a Residents Association Guidance Document
Here is a useful document which is written in Plain English and approved by NALA. How To Set up A Residents Association
Useful Governance Templates For Your Community Group/Non for Profit/ Company Limited by Guarantee
A comprehensive list of blank templates for community groups to use for set up/good governance prepared by Kilkenny PPN. This is not an exhaustive list but should help to guide any organisation. The templates can be amended [...]
Have Your Say on the LECP Review!! A Series of Workshops Locally!!!
Kilkenny Socio-Economic Statement 2023 - 2028 Final Draft Kilkenny County Council is currently preparing a new Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) and inviting your organisation to submit your feedback. The plan will set [...]
Creating a Local Sustainable Future- Practical Actions for your Community
In Feb 2019, organised by the Public Participation Networks of five counties; Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Carlow, in collaboration with the Irish Environmental Network, this event brought together 120 people from across the South [...]
Ukraine School
Kilkenny Based Tech Entrepreneur sets up online Ukraine school to help pupils from the Ukrainian Community access Education Ukrainian children arriving in Kilkenny can benefit from the creation of Ukraine School, a free online [...]
Register Now for Kilkenny PPN “Check-In” Online Plenary For Thursday 26th November
Register Now for Kilkenny PPN "Check-In" Online Plenary For [...]
Heritage Week 17th – 25th August 2019
Things to Do for Heritage Week in County Kilkenny - [...]
Taking Care of Business: Free advice and information for businesses in the Midlands
When: 2nd October - 2nd October 2019 Where: Sheraton Hotel, [...]
Do you have an Upcoming Event?
Submit your organisation’s next event here for inclusion in the events section.