What’s Happening

An Taisce’s Biodiversity Walk

2019-05-03T11:08:29+01:00May 3rd, 2019|Events and Training|

Celebrate Biodiversity Week in May with An Taisce by joining us for a two hour walk to consider:  ‘Wildlife Refuges in an Intensively Farmed Landscape’. Meet at Jenkinstown Wood carpark:  Sat. May 18th, 11 a.m. Register at facebook.com/antaiscekilkenny  Places are limited to 25. The walk in rural North Kilkenny will look at the diversity of wildlife in a freshwater pond, hedgerows and woodland.  The importance of these refuges in an area of intensively grazed and cut pastureland and arable land will be observed.  Additional measures to enhance wildlife on farms [...]

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Talamh Beo: Farming with Nature event

2019-05-01T10:50:55+01:00May 1st, 2019|Events and Training|

Talamh Beo: Farming with Nature event on May 13th at 7.30pm in the Tholsel, High St. Kilkenny A series of talks to promote climate action run by Kilkenny Forest School and The Bigger Picture Founding member of the organisation , Fergal Anderson will talk about Talamh Beo 's vision for farming with nature and working for change in the food and agri policy and look towards ways of farming which benefit and restore natural ecosystems and build soils, leaving the land better than when we started. All welcome. There will [...]

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Castlecomer Climate Action Workshop

2019-04-30T08:57:26+01:00April 30th, 2019|Events and Training|

This workshop will assist communities to improve their environmental innovation and encouraging local groups participation in starting projects to promote climate action. This is a free workshop taking place in Castlecomer Discovery Park on Monday May 13th from 7pm to 9pm.     ClimateActionWorkshop PPN Castlecomer

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Graiguenamanagh Climate Action Workshop

2019-04-29T16:26:50+01:00April 29th, 2019|Events and Training|

This workshop will assist communities to improve their environmental innovation and encouraging local groups participation in starting projects to promote climate action. This is a free workshop. It will take place Friday 10th of May at Outdoor activities hub, Old Dock, Graiguenamanagh from 7-9pm.   ClimateActionWorkshop PPN (dragged) 2

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SOS Kilkenny are finalists in SEAI Sustainable Energy Awards 2018

2019-01-30T11:49:56+00:00January 30th, 2019|News|

3CEA were selected for its work on a project with SOS Kilkenny, a long-established organisation which provides a lifetime commitment to people with a learning disability. 3CEA team were delighted that SOS Kilkenny was selected as a finalist and our team was delighted to work with SOS Kilkenny team to save energy, reduce their spend on heating and lighting and improve working and living conditions for all. Being shortlisted in the SEAI awards as an example of good practice in their work in the public sector, is simply the icing on the cake. [...]

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Festival and Events Pop-Up Advice Clinics for Kilkenny

2019-01-30T09:45:23+00:00January 30th, 2019|Events and Training|

This month sees the return of the annual AOIFE (Association of Festival and Events) Pop Up Advice Clinics and AOIFE’S Executive Director and Multimedia Assistant will hold an advice clinic here in Kilkenny on Tuesday February 12th  to meet local member Festival and event organisers.   Modelled on other Network offerings – the POP Up Advice Clinics are facilitated locally to allow organisers to meet AOIFE personnel and get a steer on some of their problems. Check out this link Kilkenny Advice Pop Up Clinic Press Release 19  to view their Press Release. To register for [...]

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EOLAS Project Lead Vacancy

2019-01-30T08:48:05+00:00January 29th, 2019|News|

The EOLAS Project is a mental health information and learning programme for service users with experience of psychosis (particularly Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder) and their families. EOLAS is unique as it uses a co-facilitated model working collaboratively in the delivery of its programmes. People with self-experience, family members and clinicians work together to provide information and promote recovery. The EOLAS Project Lead working alongside a Service User Project Worker, will be employed and line managed by Kildare Youth Services, and will report in to the EOLAS Steering Committee. This is [...]

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REMINDER: EPA National Workshop

2019-01-28T13:25:53+00:00January 28th, 2019|Events and Training|

– Have your Say on EU Water Priorities for the future. The WATER Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) has opened public consultation to get your opinion on the next version of its Vision 2030 and Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA 3.0). As part of this consultation phase we invite your views on the future of water-related research, development and innovation in Europe at our national workshop, which will take place on Thursday 14th February 2019, in The Gresham Hotel, Dublin.     EPA Reminder - click this link for more information  

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LCDC Lone Parent Task Group Invitation to Tender

2019-01-28T13:20:15+00:00January 28th, 2019|News|

KILKENNY LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE LONE PARENTS TASK GROUP: Invitation to Tender Introduction The LCDC Task Group wish to undertake a detailed county profile, needs analysis and plan that describes focussed driven outcomes as part of an interagency response to the needs of Lone Parents living in Kilkenny. Quotes are being sought from suitably qualified and experienced individuals or organisations to undertake the needs analysis, profile and action plan. Aim of the Research: To develop a comprehensive profile, needs analysis and integrated action driven plan to address identified key issues [...]

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Treoir (The National Federation of Services for Unmarried Parents and their Children)

2019-01-28T13:27:40+00:00January 28th, 2019|News|

Treoir (The National Federation of Services for Unmarried Parents and their Children) promotes the rights and best interests of unmarried parents and their children through providing specialist information and advocating for their rights. Treoir operates a free, confidential, national, specialist information service for unmarried parents, their extended families and those working with them. Our service is for unmarried parents, living together or apart, both opposite and same-sex. Treoir has a long history of providing workshops on key issues affecting unmarried parents. Treoir would be happy to host a workshop to [...]

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