Following engagement with the consultation process of the City & County Development Plan 2021 -2027, I wish to inform you that the Chief Executive’s Report on Submissions to the Draft City and County Development Plan was recently submitted to the Kilkenny County Councillors, and is now available on our dedicated Development Plan website, at the following link:
The Council are meeting at 3pm on Tuesday 8th June to consider this Report. A member of the public who wishes to join the Council Meeting should contact Brenda Kelly: for a link to the meeting before 1pm on Tuesday.
Following that meeting, it is likely that a number of changes to the Draft, known as Material Alterations, will be published. These will go on public display for a four week period, and will be available on Details of the public display period, and how to make a submission, will be given in the Kilkenny People, and on our Development Plan website,
If you have any questions on this, feel free to contact any of the Forward Planning team at 056-7794010 or .