About Kilkenny PPN
The Kilkenny Public Participation Network (PPN) is the new structure and platform by which the local community can engage with Kilkenny County Council. It forms the link between local Voluntary & Community, Social Inclusion, and Environmental sectors and the local governing body.
Established in 2014 through the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the PPN ensures that the public can have their say on local government decisions.
Encouraging Women & Diversity in Local Government
The Kilkenny PPN is working in conjunction with the Kilkenny County Council on a series of informative sessions around the county to encourage female members of migrant communities to get involved [...]
LCDC Lone Parent Task Group Invitation to Tender
KILKENNY LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE LONE PARENTS TASK GROUP: Invitation to Tender Introduction The LCDC Task Group wish to undertake a detailed county profile, needs analysis and plan that describes focussed driven outcomes as part [...]
Treoir (The National Federation of Services for Unmarried Parents and their Children)
Treoir (The National Federation of Services for Unmarried Parents and their Children) promotes the rights and best interests of unmarried parents and their children through providing specialist information and advocating for their rights. Treoir operates [...]
2019 Sustainable Development Goal Advocate
Development Perspectives are currently recruiting for our SDG advocate programme, the programme offers 26 active citizens an opportunity to represent their community, by becoming one of Ireland’s positive change makers. The 8 month training course will [...]
Conference on Climate Change – One Day
One-Day Conference - The Climate Challenge: Policy, Media & Society - To mark the inaugural year of DCU's MSc in Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society, we will host a one-day conference in DCU on [...]
WANTED – Volunteers for Lollipop Day
The Oesophageal Cancer Fund is holding its national fundraising and awareness Campaign Lollipop Day on 1st and 2nd of March this year to highlight the symptoms of Oesophageal Cancer. The ‘Lollipop’ emblem used on Lollipop [...]
Music in Kilkenny
Music in Kilkenny are delighted once again to let you know of their latest events for early 2019 click this link to view MIL Brochure