About Kilkenny PPN
The Kilkenny Public Participation Network (PPN) is the new structure and platform by which the local community can engage with Kilkenny County Council. It forms the link between local Voluntary & Community, Social Inclusion, and Environmental sectors and the local governing body.
Established in 2014 through the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the PPN ensures that the public can have their say on local government decisions.
Invitation to Kilkenny PPN Webinar
Kilkenny PPN invites to you a webinar to hear about the Kilkenny County Council Draft Climate Action Plan and the Community Climate Action Grant. Please find information on how to register [...]
William Marshall Pop Up Talks & Tour Series
The OPW, Kilkenny Castle, will host a free pop up talk titled From my lips to God’s ear, on Monday 8th July from 1.15 – 1.45pm in the Parade Tower. The influence of William [...]
The Battle of Carrickshock Talk
As part of their anniversary celebrations and the Decade of Commemorations, the Home Rule Club will host a talk titled The Battle of Carrickshock 1831: Prelude to 1916, by Maynooth lecturer Jim McAuley, on [...]
The Good Governance Award
The Good Governance Awards recognises and encourages adherence to good governance by nonprofit organisations in Ireland. The awards were developed by Carmichael with the support of our partners and leading national bodies in the nonprofit [...]
The Butler Gallery site-specific installation by Berlin-based Irish artist Adam Fearon
25 May - Sunday 28 July 2019 Venue: Butler Gallery The Butler Gallery is delighted to present a site-specific installation by Berlin-based Irish artist Adam Fearon. Fearon makes sculptural installations using varied materials including aluminium, [...]
6 Houses at Smithslands South, Kilkenny City
Planning and Development Act 2000 - 2018 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - 2018 NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BY A LOCAL AUTHORITY Development of 6 houses at Smithsland South, Kilkenny (Site to rear of [...]
Part 8 Consultation – Housing at Golf Links Road, Kilkenny
Planning and Development Act 2000 - 2018 Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - 2018 NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BY A LOCAL AUTHORITY Development of 6 houses at Golf Links Road (Site at No 10 / [...]
REMINDER: EPA National Workshop
– Have your Say on EU Water Priorities for the [...]
Conference on Climate Change – One Day
One-Day Conference - The Climate Challenge: Policy, Media & Society [...]
WANTED – Volunteers for Lollipop Day
The Oesophageal Cancer Fund is holding its national fundraising and [...]
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