Social Inclusion

Deenview inclusuve garden DIG

2019-07-30T13:19:04+01:00July 30th, 2019|

We are an inclusive garden group members from the local community alongside members from SOS Deenview Centre supporting people with intellectual disability to participate fully in the sowing planting and Maintenance of community garden. Our aim is to enhance and develope the garden to make it more practical and adaptable for all our members

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James Stephens Squash Club

2019-01-23T12:26:18+00:00January 23rd, 2019|

James Stephen Squash Club provides its members ageing from 26 to 76 with 2 courts to play squash and keep fit all year around plus a social network for all members  

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L’Arche Kilkenny

2018-05-30T15:49:15+01:00May 30th, 2018|

To make known the gifts of people with intellectual disabilities through mutually transforming relationships. To engage in our diverse cultures, working together to build a more humane society. To foster an environment in communities that is inspired by the core vision of our founding story, and that responds to the changing needs of our members. | Email: | Website: | Facebook:  

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Irish Wheelchair Association

2018-05-30T15:35:22+01:00May 30th, 2018|

Physical Disability - the achievement of full social, economic and educational inclusion and integration of people with disabilities as equal, independent and participatory members of their communities and society. Email | Website:

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Kilkenny Eurobugs

2018-05-28T10:05:52+01:00February 19th, 2018|

A diverse group of motivated young people who share a common goal and wish to carry out local, national or International actions under the topic of Youth initiative and participation to create a more inclusive community and better versions of ourselves.

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Kilkenny Access Group

2018-05-28T09:57:13+01:00April 28th, 2017|

To make Kilkenny city and county as accessible as possible and to raise awareness of access issues for people with disabilities

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The Thomas Hayes Trust

2018-05-28T16:05:38+01:00March 9th, 2017|

Suicide support for families and individuals | Email: | 15 Ormonde Rd. Kilkenny

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Parent 2 Parent

2018-05-28T12:13:36+01:00March 9th, 2017|

Supporting parents of children with disabilities through monthly meetings | St Patrick's Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny

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