What’s Happening

Kilkenny PPN Workplan 2023

2024-02-28T14:57:28+00:00February 16th, 2023|Resources|

  Kilkenny Public Participation Network (KK PPN) is an independent umbrella network of community & voluntary, environmental and social inclusion groups active within the county. Public Participation Networks (PPNs) were established by the Irish government under the Local Government (Reform) Act 2014 to be the main link through which the Local Authority connects with these groups. Kilkenny PPN is governed by the Secretariat, a voluntary board elected from the Kilkenny PPN membership whose responsibility is to oversee the development of the network and ensure that the objectives of the PPN [...]

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Call for Nomination to Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) -Community and Voluntary Seat

2024-02-28T14:14:38+00:00February 8th, 2023|News|

Please click on the below link to access the nomination form.  Also included is information about becoming a PPN representative. LCDC-Nomination-Form-Community and Vol The Representatives PPN Handbook N.B Candidate Form must be completed to ensure valid nomination. Information provided on the Candidate Form will be circulated to ALL MEMBERS of the PPN PLEASE RETURN BY Monday 20th February 2023 by 5pm Criteria for qualification to LCDC Representatives A fundamental role of the elected PPN representative to the LCDC will be to represent and to give feedback to the PPN [...]

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Nomination Forms for SPC 1 and SPC 5

2024-02-28T15:28:36+00:00January 9th, 2023|Resources|

Kilkenny PPN is seeking nominations for the following seats: SPC 1: Economic Development, Enterprise Support & Tourism, Planning & Development- Community and Voluntary Seat SPC 5: Community, Cultural & Fire Services- Community and Voluntary Seat Click on either of the below links to access the nomination form. Candidate profile Nomination form for SPC's Candidate profile Nomination form for SPC's Guidelines for Nominations Nominating organisations must be registered with Kilkenny PPN Nominations can only be made with the candidate’s knowledge and approval Community Groups can nominate one candidate only. If community [...]

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Kilkenny PPN Draft Workplan for 2023

2024-02-28T15:28:42+00:00November 30th, 2022|Resources|

The Workplan for Kilkenny PPN for 2023 is available for review below. This is being presented to member groups at the PPN Plenary on 30th of November for consideration and a deadline for input from members is Friday 6th January 2023. Should you wish to provide input for consideration, please email   Kilkenny PPN Workplan 2023

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Kilkenny Older Person’s Council 10th Anniversary of the Age Friendly Programme

2024-02-28T14:18:37+00:00November 14th, 2022|News|

Kilkenny Older Person's Council A fabulous production by Kilkenny Older Person's Council (OPC) in celebration of 10 years of the Kilkenny Age Friendly Programme. The OPC has a dedicated, hard-working committee who continuously strive to deliver a programme which creates the kind of communities in which older people live autonomous, independent and valued lives. To date, the local government led Age Friendly Programmes across Ireland have implemented real change in imaginative and cost-effective ways. Access to outdoor spaces and buildings is fundamental to the vision. The programme has a strong [...]

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Free Workshop-“How to Set Up and Run a Small Non Profit Organisation”

2024-02-28T14:19:22+00:00October 20th, 2022|Events and Training|

Kilkenny PPN is hosting a Free Workshop for anyone interested in setting up a small non-profit organisation. "How to Set Up and Run a Small Non Profit Organisation" will take place in St Canice's Neighbourhood Hall on Wednesday 2nd of November, 7pm-9pm. Please Register in advance on or call 087 1731634

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Call for Nominations to SPC 4- Environment Protection, Climate Action and Energy

2024-02-28T14:18:48+00:00October 17th, 2022|News|

Kilkenny PPN is currently seeking expressions of interest to fill the PPN Environmental Seat of the Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) 4 within Kilkenny County Council. Please find below further information on the call for nominations and the nomination form which needs to be filled and submitted to Kilkenny PPN before 5pm on Monday 24th of October, 2022. Nominations can be submitted by email: or by post: Kilkenny PPN, Unit 1, Hebron House, McDonagh Junction, Kilkenny Call for Nominations to the Special Policy Committee SPC 4 (Word Doc) Call for [...]

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Useful Governance Templates For Your Community Group/Non for Profit/ Company Limited by Guarantee

2024-02-28T14:19:45+00:00October 11th, 2022|Resources|

A comprehensive list of blank templates for community groups to use for set up/good governance prepared by Kilkenny PPN. This is not an exhaustive list but should help to guide any organisation. The templates can be amended to suit your group. If you have any queries, contact Mags or Bortha on 056 7794181 or email:   Kilkenny PPN-Sample-Simple-Constitution-29_03_18 Kilkenny PPN-Simple-Financial-Procedures Kilkenny PPN-UE-Executive-Committee-Member-Responsibilities-29_03_18 Kilkenny-PPN-Sub_Committee-Terms-of-Reference-29_03_18-1 Kilkenny-PPN-Simple-Financial-Procedures-1 Kilkenny PPN-Meeting-Agenda-Template-for-Group_Assoc Kilkenny-PPN-Minute-Taking Kilkenny-PPN-Meeting-Agenda-Template-for-CLG_UIE Kilkenny PPN-Group-v-Charity Kilkenny PPN-GDPR-Basics Kilkenny PPN Model-Consitution-for-unincorporated-bodies Kilkenny PPN-Code-of-Conduct-Template Kilkenny PPN-CLG-UE-AGM-Agenda-Template-29_03_18    

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Have Your Say on the LECP Review!! A Series of Workshops Locally!!!

2024-02-28T14:19:56+00:00October 3rd, 2022|Events and Training|

Kilkenny Socio-Economic Statement 2023 - 2028 Final Draft Kilkenny County Council is currently preparing  a new Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) and inviting your organisation to submit your feedback. The plan will set out for the period 2023 – 2028, the objectives and actions we believe are needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of County Kilkenny. As part of our community consultation, we would like to hear your views on our 10 draft high-level goals and the sustainable community and [...]

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