What’s Happening

Information Drop-In Clinic – Curraghmartin Solar Farm

2024-02-28T14:56:21+00:00September 27th, 2023|Events and Training|

UPDATE: The booking a Mooncoin Hall has been cancelled in favor of meeting groups living very close to the Curraghmartin Solar Farm, and in particular the village of Carrigeen, with direct invites to the community groups there. For further information, please contact SECAD Partnership CLG - SECAD on 021 461 3432, or email SECAD Partnership CLG are inviting you to an information event in regard to the Curraghmartin Solar Farm.   An informal meet and greet will take place on your arrival. The event will include: An introduction [...]

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Encouraging Women & Diversity in Local Government

2024-02-28T14:56:28+00:00September 4th, 2023|Events and Training|

The Kilkenny PPN is working in conjunction with the Kilkenny County Council on a series of informative sessions around the county to encourage female members of migrant communities to get involved in local government. Our first session will be held in St Canice’s Neighbourhood Hall on Tuesday 19th of September from 1 pm-2.30 pm with a Free Lunch for those participating. During this session, we will cover a brief history of Ireland’s political system and how you can access tools & resources to help you engage with local/national government and [...]

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All for Nominations to Kilkenny Children and Young Peoples Service’s Committee (CYPSC)

2024-02-28T15:28:29+00:00July 20th, 2023|Resources|

County Kilkenny Children and Young People’s Services Committee aims to provide strategic direction and leadership to ensure effective interagency co-ordination and collaboration in order to achieve the best outcomes for all children and young people in Kilkenny. They are currently seeking a nomination from Kilkenny PPN to sit on their committee. This person must either have 5 years experience working in a Family Support setting or currently be working in this area. See the Terms of Reference for the committee below and the Nomination Form. All Nominations must be completed [...]

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Kilkenny PPN is seeking a nomination for Environmental Seat on SPC 3: Housing

2024-02-28T14:56:46+00:00July 14th, 2023|News|

Kilkenny PPN is seeking  a nomination for Strategic Policy Committee 3: Housing SPC 3 Housing- Environmental Seat Click on the below links to access the nomination form. Candidate profile Nomination form for SPC's Guidelines for Nominations Nominating organisations must be registered with Kilkenny PPN and with the Environmental Pillar Nominations can only be made with the candidate’s knowledge and approval Community Groups can nominate one candidate only. If community groups nominate more than one candidate, the first nomination received will be accepted Nomination Forms must be received by Kilkenny PPN on [...]

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Call for Social Inclusion Nomination to Board of Kilkenny PPN- Deadline 7th July

2024-02-28T14:11:01+00:00June 26th, 2023|News|

Kilkenny PPN is seeking Nominations for the following seats on the Board of Management 2 X Social Inclusion Seat The Kilkenny PPN Secretariat ( Board of Management) is made up of 10 members with 2 members drawn from each pillar: Social Inclusion; Community & Voluntary; Environment and 4 members representing the Municipal Districts (Kilkenny MD, Thomastown/Callan MD, Piltown MD and Castlecomer MD). To find out more about the role of the Secretariat and application form, click below: PPN-Secretariat-Nomination-Form-Sept-2023

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Kilkenny PPN is seeking  a nomination for Strategic Policy Committee 2- Deadline Friday 7th July 2023

2023-11-15T12:57:23+00:00June 26th, 2023|News|

Kilkenny PPN is seeking  a nomination for Strategic Policy Committee 2: SPC 2: Transportation Policy, Mobility Management and Water Services- Community and Voluntary Seat Click on the below links to access the nomination form. Candidate profile Nomination form for SPC's Guidelines for Nominations Nominating organisations must be registered with Kilkenny PPN Nominations can only be made with the candidate’s knowledge and approval Community Groups can nominate one candidate only. If community groups nominate more than one candidate, the first nomination received will be accepted Nomination Forms must be received by Kilkenny PPN [...]

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Ecosystem Restoration Course for Community Groups — August 26th & 27th

2023-09-29T10:27:35+01:00June 22nd, 2023|Events and Training|

Síolta Chroí is running a course aiming to will explore how you can and your community group can play your part to mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss by creating systems that sequester carbon, builds biodiversity, and restores the ecosystem that you are part of. The course will mix theory with practical hands-on work. It will give participants the knowledge and inspiration to transform the community space that they work with. In this course you will learn: Ecosystem restoration Soil building and natural cycles Introduction to Permaculture Design Building [...]

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Open Circle Arts Collective Seeks Part Time Temporary Programme Administrator and Development Worker

2024-02-28T14:11:16+00:00March 30th, 2023|News|

Open Circle Community Arts Collective was established as a means of providing women throughout Kilkenny with high quality arts learning that is facilitated by artists experienced in working in and with communities.  The programme aims to inspire interest and participation in the arts and create a community of interest amongst women in Kilkenny. Open Circle is seeking to appoint a part- time, temporary – Programme Administrator and Development Worker  Application by Email to include an outline of how you would undertake the work in the time allotted ( 1 [...]

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Kilkenny Migrant Integration- Local and Regional Service and Support Mapping

2024-02-28T14:57:10+00:00February 22nd, 2023|Resources|

A recent feasibility study found that there was a lack of awareness amongst certain migrant groups around service provision, supports and activities at local level. Here is a list of services and supports. Please note that this is a live document and will continue to be updated as information about further assets are discovered. Kilkenny Migrant Integration Service Map

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Find out more about Kilkenny PPN and Why Your Group Should Be a Member

2024-02-28T14:14:23+00:00February 21st, 2023|News|

Are you part of a voluntary or community group? Membership of a PPN is open to all volunteer-led/not-for-profit groups in a local authority area. More than 18,000 groups nationwide are currently members of a PPN. Would you like to be part of your local PPN here in Kilkenny? Email us at to find out more. Public Participation Networks allow local authorities to connect with community groups around the country. They give people a greater say in local government decisions that affect their communities. Find out more at www.gov.ie/PPN [...]

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