Understanding & Influencing EU Decision Making
Understanding and Influencing EU decision making
Understanding and Influencing EU decision making
Please see the following report form the PPN Representative on the latest SPC 1 Meeting SPC1 Report 16.06.17
Please see attached Minutes of SPC 4 Housing SPC 4 Housing 30 March Minutes 2017
Please see the report of the Planning & Development meeting from the PPN representative Report-SPC3-meeting-2017-04-12
Please read the following agenda and if you wish the PPN representative to make representation on your behalf on any issue please get in touch with the development officer.SPC3-Agenda-17-01-18
SPC 1 - Economic Development, Enterprise Support & Tourism Meeting Report March 17 SPC l Report 16 03 17 (1) Issues Discussed: 1. Local Enterprise Update 2. Update Economic Actions of LECP 3. Abbey Creative Quarter 4. Tourism Update Other Items: Presentation, South East Action
The report of the Strategic Policy Housing Committee January 2017 Report -SPC 32017-01-18
Please see attached JPC report from Breda Mc Donald (PPN Representative)JPC meeting Jan 17
The Irish Georgian Society is inviting applications to its Conservation Grants Programme 2017. A total of €50,000 is available - priority will be given to protected structures and recorded monuments of significant architectural merit. Application forms are available on http://www.igs.ie/updates/article/igs-conservation-grants-programme-2017
The National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford, is running a series of professional, and modestly priced, workshops for people interested in helping to record Ireland’s biodiversity. Would you like to learn how to survey otters, or badgers, or wetlands? http://www.biodiversityireland.ie/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/NBDC-Workshops-2017_WEB.pdf