
About Kilkenny PPN

The Kilkenny Public Participation Network (PPN) is the new structure and platform by which the local community can engage with Kilkenny County Council. It forms the link between local Voluntary & Community, Social Inclusion, and Environmental sectors and the local governing body.

Established in 2014 through the Local Government Reform Act 2014,  the PPN ensures that the public can have their say on local government decisions.


Digital Skills for Citizens Scheme

November 12th, 2018|Categories: News|

This is an initiative under the Government’s National Digital Strategy, which is funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment, to provide free basic digital skills training for citizens who do not have the [...]

Charities Governance Code

November 12th, 2018|Categories: News|

The Charities Regulator launched the Charities Governance Code, which sets the minimum standards, which everyone on the board of a registered charity, should ensure their charity meets in order to effectively manage and control their [...]

‘Be Winter Ready’ 2018-2019 Campaign

November 12th, 2018|Categories: News|

The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), together with the Office of Emergency Planning (OEP), produced the ‘Be Winter Ready’ leaflet for 2018-2019. Winter readiness is a challenge for individuals and communities across Ireland [...]

Kilkenny PPN Organisation Locations

Kilkenny PPN Organisation Locations


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