About Kilkenny PPN
The Kilkenny Public Participation Network (PPN) is the new structure and platform by which the local community can engage with Kilkenny County Council. It forms the link between local Voluntary & Community, Social Inclusion, and Environmental sectors and the local governing body.
Established in 2014 through the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the PPN ensures that the public can have their say on local government decisions.
Kilkenny PPN is seeking a nomination for Environmental Seat on SPC 3: Housing
Kilkenny PPN is seeking a nomination for Strategic Policy Committee 3: Housing SPC 3 Housing- Environmental Seat Click on the below links to access the nomination form. Candidate profile Nomination form for SPC's [...]
The National Volunteering Strategy needs your input
Have your voice heard Carlow Volunteer Centre are holding a Focus Group on Monday January 28th next in Woodford/Dolmen Hotel, Carlow. Volunteering Strategy - click this link for more information
Kilkenny Age Friendly
F.A.O. all Business Owners/Managers REAP THE BENEFITS OF BECOMING AN ACCREDITED AGE FRIENDLY BUSINESS! Did you know that across the EU, older people are responsible for 50% of consumer spending? It’s easy to become an [...]
Community Funding Ireland Workshop + Twitter Connections
Funding Workshop for Community Voluntary Groups - In conjunction with the above Community Wetlands Forum and a host of relevant support agencies, Community Finance Ireland are really looking are really forward to presenting at this event on the 18th [...]
Newpark Close Family Resource Centre Events
NEWPARK CLOSE FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE – details of events happening at the centre. – PARENT + TODDLER GROUP – Tuesday mornings – 10am to 12noon - contact Ber Brophy on 056-772-3309 NFRC Toddler Group - [...]
All Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020
Get involved with the Irish Pollinator Initiative - About one third of our Ireland’s 101 native bee species are threatened with extinction. Bees are the most important pollinator of crops and native plant species in [...]
Recovery College South East Timetable Jan-May 2019
Recover College South East’s Winter/Spring 2019 timetable for Kilkenny, Carlow and Wexford have been announced - please click on the relevant links here SE RecoveryCollege Kilkenny Timetable Jan to May 2019 SE RecoveryCollege CARLOW Timetable - Jan to [...]