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What is Community Wellbeing?

The Vision for Community Wellbeing acts as a guiding vision for everything done by the network. It’s a benchmark for PPN Representatives and the Secretariat – feeding into policy decisions and planning activities. It’s a shared vision for the wellbeing of our communities for this and future generations.

Personal wellbeing is defined as when our…

“Basic needs are met, …people have a sense of purpose, … they feel
able to achieve important goals, to participate in society and to
live the lives that they value and have reason to value.”
(National Economic and Social Council, 2009).

It’s also directly linked to physical and mental health.

So, a community with high wellbeing would be one where all people have:

  1. a strong sense of belonging and identity;
  2. opportunities to work individually and together for the common good;
  3. are able to support each other through different life stages;
  4. access the services they need;
  5. live in a positive environment;
  6. and are able to participate in the making the decisions that affect them.

Since our actions have impacts for the future, this involves considering the wellbeing of future generations as well as ourselves.

Who is the Community?

A community equals people living in the same area or a “community of interest” e.g. young people, disabled people, hillwalkers etc. PPNs must

consider all types of communities when developing the Vision.

The Model We Use

Social and Community Development

How can we be an inclusive community where we support each other and ensure no one is left out? What are the important social services and facilities we need to live well from childhood to old age?

Environment and Sustainability

How do we value our natural environment and man-made heritage? What can be done to conserve, protect and restore these? How can we interact with the environment in a sustainable way, and hand it on to the next generation in a better state?

Work, Economy, and Resources

How can our communities thrive economically, with good jobs, and supports for enterprise, business and for people not in work? What resources do we have and are they used effectively and sustainably without causing harm to social and environmental sustainability?

Health and Wellbeing (Physical and Mental)

How can all members of our community enjoy the best possible physical and mental health? What about people with special needs, older people, and carers?

Values, Cultures, and Meaning

What is needed to ensure that everyone both feels, and actually is, included and valued, and that our different values and cultures are respected and nurtured? What are the important parts of our culture that we want to hand on to future generations?

Participation, Democracy, and Good Governance

What is necessary to ensure that our local government structures support the wellbeing of our community for this and future generations? What is necessary to ensure that we have a voice in the decisions that affect us and that all voices are being heard?

Kilkenny’s Overarching Vision

  • Kilkenny city and county are a welcoming, vibrant, attractive place to live and work.
  • Kilkenny is inclusive, has a strong sense of community spirit and engagement as well as pride of place. Kilkenny celebrates its history and heritage where its diversity of culture and tradition is celebrated, revered and protected for the future custodians of the city and county.
  • We are well informed, educated, inclusive and operating a safe, secure, sustainable environment that supports mental and physical health and wellbeing of our
    citizens. We are proud to foster fully accessible services such as affordable housing, resources and activities.
  • Our sustainable economy is built on working in collaboration with relevant agencies and stakeholders, valuing each other’s work and input as well as investing in infrastructure, education, supports and services for people to work locally and to invest in the region.
  • Our community and voluntary groups are valued, supported and resourced by agencies to support the continued generation of a circular economy which is complemented by a community-based response.
  • Kilkenny is a caring community where everyone experiences a high level of health and wellbeing.
  • Our local democracy is fair, transparent and fully accountable and ensures that it involves local citizens at all stages of policy development and issues that impact us.
  • Kilkenny is an example of best practice in sustainability, biodiversity and climate change mitigation. We work continuously to maintain, conserve and protect our natural environments, natural and built heritage and habitats while also future proofing all planning and decision making to incorporate more sustainable practice’s.

Environment & Sustainability

In Kilkenny, we envision a thriving and sustainable city and county that prioritises the protection and preservation of our natural environment. Our commitment to environmental stewardship is deeply rooted in our desire to create a healthy and resilient community for current and future generations. We strive for a future where Kilkenny is renowned for its sustainable practices, innovative solutions, and harmonious coexistence with nature.

  1. Our community seeks to enhance the wellbeing of its residents by promoting sustainable practises that protect our environment and support climate action. We believe that a healthy environment is essential for the health and happiness of our community, and we recognise that our actions have an impact on the global climate.
  2. We promote sustainability, we prioritise the reduction of our carbon footprint, minimise waste and conserve natural resources. We are committed to supporting renewable energies, sustainable transport, local food production and minimising harmful emissions. We promote sustainable land use practices, responsible agriculture, and the restoration of degraded areas to improve soil health and water quality.
  3. Our community encourages the development of green spaces, the protection of wildlife habitats, watersheds and natural parks to improve our collective wellbeing and encourage engagement with nature.
  4. Through a collective effort, we strive to reduce our negative impact on the environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. By taking measures that address climate change and promote environmental stewardship, we can cultivate a healthy and thriving community. We promote a circular economy mindset, minimising waste generation and maximising resource efficiency.
  5. We believe in the power of education and community engagement to drive sustainable behaviours and create a culture of environmental responsibility.
  6. We provide accessible educational programs, awareness campaigns, and active community involvement to foster a sense of collective responsibility.

Health & Wellbeing (Physical and Mental)

In Kilkenny, we envision a community that prioritises the health and well-being of its residents, both physically and mentally. Our overarching vision is to create an environment where every individual has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life, free from physical ailments and mental health challenges. We believe that a thriving community is one that promotes and protects the holistic wellbeing of its residents.

  1. In Kilkenny, we promote physical and mental health for all residents by providing access to high-quality healthcare services, healthy environments, safe spaces to exercise, and excellent mental health resources. We believe that physical and mental health are interdependent, and individuals must have access to both to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
  2. We seek to provide health care services that are accessible, affordable and provide the highest quality standard of care, including continued access to hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities. We prioritise health education, screening programs, and awareness campaigns to identify and address health concerns before they escalate.
  3. Our community maintains a healthy environment that is free of pollutants and protects natural resources by regulating environmental hazards and creating green public spaces. We encourage lifestyles that support cleanliness, active lifestyles and support healthy food consumption while discouraging the use harmful substances.
  4. We promote the importance of mental health by developing mental health programs that are accessible to everyone, especially those most vulnerable and in need. Our initiatives aim to raise awareness and understanding of mental health by reducing the stigma attached to mental health.
  5. We offer the community opportunities for physical exercise, sports and recreational activities, creating safe spaces for people to come together and develop meaningful connections. We believe that fostering strong sense of community can be a positive aspect to promoting good mental health.
  6. We promote a culture of empathy, understanding, and de-stigmatisation, creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking help for their physical and mental health needs.
  7. Our goal is to create an inclusive, supportive and caring community that values and prioritises physical, mental and emotional health for all residents.

Participation, Democracy, and Good Governance

We envision a community that values active participation, fosters inclusive democracy, and promotes effective and transparent governance. Our overarching vision is to create an environment where every resident feels empowered, engaged, and involved in shaping the future of their community. We believe that a thriving community is one that practices open governance and encourages the participation of its residents in decision-making processes.

  1. Our community values participation, democracy and good governance as essential components of promoting community wellbeing. Out goal is to create an effective and efficient local government that is accountable, transparent, and promotes citizen participation.
  2. We seek to involve community members and stakeholders in decision making processes by encouraging public discussions, promoting feedback mechanisms, opening channels of participation, giving adequate notice about local governance activities, and supporting the development of leadership skills to foster a culture of mutual respect, collaboration and accountability.
  3. We strive for governance that is transparent, effective and efficient in achieving agreed outcomes. Our collective efforts focus on initiatives that are responsive to communities’ needs, using evidence-based policies, resources, best practise, and administrative processes that promote pubic trust in local government.
  4. Our community prioritises the protection of fundamental human rights, equality and dignity for all residents regardless of their ethnicity, gender or social status. We seek to promote awareness and respect for multiparty democratic processes, human
    rights and the rule of law.
  5. We believe in co-operating with external agencies, collaborating with regional, national and/or international stakeholders for the present and future wellbeing of the community.
  6. Through initiative such as programs to reduce corruption, training on leadership and community development, we foster positive and participatory governance and promote democracy at local level.
  7. By promoting good governance, democracy and community participation, we seek an environment where government and citizens actively work together towards an inclusive community that is responsive to residents needs.

Social and Community Development

In Kilkenny, we envision a vibrant and inclusive community that fosters social connection, supports personal well-being, and empowers individuals and groups to thrive. Our overarching vision is to create an environment where every resident feels a sense of belonging, has access to essential services and opportunities, and actively participates in shaping their community’s future. We believe that a strong and resilient community is one that prioritises social and community development, promoting equity, social justice, and overall well-being.

  1. Our community is committed to promoting social and community development by creating a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all residents. We believe that building a strong community is vital to promoting wellbeing.
  2. We prioritise providing educational opportunities, quality childcare facilities, language services and cultural awareness programs that embrace diversity and a sense of belonging. We aim to foster a sense of community, that supports inclusivity, social connections, and encourages engagement with each other.
  3. We strive to create a safe and accessible spaces that are free from violence, poverty and discrimination. Collaborative efforts towards the development of recreational facilities, parks and reading programs contribute towards people’s welfare as a whole.
  4. Our community is committed to promoting volunteerism within the community for the purpose of providing for those in need, promoting empathy and goodwill. Community participation delivers benefits for all, both individually and collectively.
  5. We understand that physical and mental health is interdependent and promoting social and community development is an essential aspect to promoting positive mental and emotional health. We empower individuals and groups to take an active role in their own development. We provide resources, training, and support to enhance individual and community capacities, enabling residents to actively contribute to community development.
  6. Our goal to promote an environment that supports social and community development, where all residents feel empowered and have a sense of community ownership. We believe this sense of community-building, which is a truly vital component of our community’s welfare, is invaluable as we continue to grow stronger and more vibrant together.

Work, Economy, and Resources

We envision a thriving and sustainable economy that promotes equitable opportunities, supports local businesses, and prioritises the responsible management of resources. Our vision is grounded in the belief that a strong economy is essential for a vibrant community, providing meaningful employment, fostering innovation, and enhancing the overall quality of life for residents. We are committed to building an economy that is resilient, inclusive, and environmentally conscious.

  1. We are committed to fostering a thriving local economy that provides equitable access to employment, resources and financial stability. We believe in creating a strong and diverse local economy that sustains us and benefits all of our residents.
  2. We prioritise access to meaningful and liveable work within our community and work towards attracting businesses that provide equitable pay and benefits to their employees. Our goal is to foster an inclusive and supportive entrepreneurship ecosystem that facilitates the development of micro and small businesses, that are considerate of the environmental impact, and is beneficial to the broader community.
  3. We recognise that access to resources is vital for all community members and seek to provide resources t all residents, irrespective of their income.
  4. Our community strives to prioritise access to affordable, high quality housing, food security, transportation options and other essential resources.
  5. Sustainability is a crucial economic and collective responsibility. We achieve sustainability in our local economy by actively pursuing clean energy, reducing waste water, using our precious resources with long term in mind such as top quality, accessible infrastructure which is energy efficient. We encourage sustainable practices, promote renewable energy sources, and support businesses that prioritise environmental sustainability.
  6. Social enterprise and commercial enterprise is supported through a variety of measures to ensure the continued regeneration of our rural economies.
  7. Our local tourism is strong and vibrant. It is supported through local enterprise development, practises and initiatives to attract and retain tourism footfall.
  8. We have a holistic, inter agency approach to developing and providing employment, training and apprenticeship which are tailored to meet the needs of the local economy and region as well as addressing youth unemployment and migration.

Values, Culture and Meaning

Kilkenny is a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates culture, embraces diversity, and values meaningful connections. We strive to create an environment where every individual feels a sense of belonging and can contribute to the rich tapestry of our city’s heritage and identity.

  1. We envision a city that cherishes and promotes its cultural richness, embracing both traditional and contemporary expressions. Kilkenny will be a hub of artistic and creative endeavours, fostering a vibrant cultural scene that resonates with residents and visitors alike. Our commitment to preserving and showcasing our unique heritage will continue to be a driving force in our cultural endeavours.
  2. In Kilkenny, diversity is seen as a strength, and we embrace it fully. We promote an inclusive and accessible city that values people from all walks of life, regardless of their backgrounds, abilities, or identities. By cultivating an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and tolerance, we encourage interactions and meaningful connections among our diverse community members.
  3. We foster a community that embraces and celebrates the diversity of our residents, ensuring that every individual, regardless of disability (mental, physical, intellectual, learning, ASD) is able to fully participate in all aspects of life. By fostering disability awareness and promoting accessibility in all its forms, we aim to create an inclusive society that values and supports the wellbeing of every person.
  4. Our community is built on a foundation of compassion, integrity, and fairness. We strive for social justice and promote equality for all. We encourage open dialogue, active listening, and constructive engagement, fostering a culture of empathy, gratitude, and kindness. These values underpin our decision-making processes, policies, and actions, shaping a society that thrives on mutual respect and cooperation.