Kilkenny County Drug & Alcohol Forum
To reduce the harm caused to communities by drugs and alcohol | Email: | Website: SERDTF, St Otterans Hospital, Waterford
To reduce the harm caused to communities by drugs and alcohol | Email: | Website: SERDTF, St Otterans Hospital, Waterford
To maintain the estate - support residents |
Promote integration of immigrants, providing platform for groups to come together to discus matters of concern | Email:
Newpark Close Family Resource Centre
To enable job seekers to obtain employment in the open labour market, provide recruitment service for local employers |Email: | 44 Friary St, Kilkenny
Giving older people a voice
Integration, English language, conversation, socialisation | Email: c/o Fr. McGrath Centre St Josephs Rd. Kilkenny
Conversational English Classes, Integration
Help victims of crime