Newpark Close Womens Group
Newpark Close Family Resource Centre
Newpark Close Family Resource Centre
To enable job seekers to obtain employment in the open labour market, provide recruitment service for local employers |Email: | 44 Friary St, Kilkenny
Giving older people a voice
To provide affordable It services and on site training and testing | Website: Fr. McGrath FRC St. Josephs Rd. Kilkenny
Providing support to relatives with a loved one with a mental health difficulty | Website: c/o The Carers Association Springhill Clinic, Waterford Rd., Kilkenny
Community Development for Travellers |c/o KLP, 8 Patricks Court Patrick Street Kilkenny
LGBTI rights, mental health, inclusion, acceptance and wellbeing | Website: www.yesequalitykilkenny
Supporting adult men at risk or who are homeless | Email: | Website: Church Lane Kilkenny
Provide support to the Immigrant Community - Information Clinic, Advocacy, One to One Support, Linkage to Mainstream Services, Volunteer Support | Email: c/o Fr. McGrath Centre St. Josephs Rd. Kilkenny