Kilkenny PPN is seeking an Environmental nomination to sit on the Kilkenny PPN Secretariat
Please select one of the below links to access the nomination form. Also included is information about the role of the PPN Secretariat.
Secretariat Nomination Form (Word Document) | Secretariat Nomination Form (Print Version)
PLEASE RETURN BY 5.00PM, Friday 5th April 2024
N.B Candidate Form must be completed to ensure a valid nomination. Information provided on the Candidate Form will be circulated to ALL MEMBERS of the PPN
Guidelines for Nominations
- Nominating organisations must be registered with Kilkenny PPN
- Nominations can only be made with the candidate’s knowledge and approval
- Community Groups can nominate one candidate only. If community groups nominate more than one candidate, the first nomination received will be accepted
- Nomination Forms must be received by Kilkenny PPN on or before 5.00PM, Friday 5th April 2024
- Ballot papers will include candidates name and nominating organisation as per nomination form.
- Candidates can withdraw their nominations up to 5.00PM, Friday 5th April 2024
The Kilkenny PPN Secretariat ( Board of Management) is made up of 10 members with 2 members drawn from each pillar: Social Inclusion; Community & Voluntary; Environment and 4 members representing the Municipal Districts (Kilkenny MD, Thomastown/Callan MD, Piltown MD and Castlecomer MD). The role of the Secretariat is to:
- Identify, coordinate and facilitate activities of the PPN which are of benefit to its members
- Communicate with all PPN members and disseminate information concerning all PPN activities
- Ensure the proper functioning of the PPN
- Devise a work plan and proposals to present to the Plenary
- Work closely with PPN Staff to enable them to deliver the PPN objectives
- Support the strategic development of the Kilkenny PPN
- Work to ensure that the profile of the PPN is raised and inclusive
- Work to ensure that representatives and linkage groups are participative
- ONLY MEMBERS OF THAT PILLAR CAN NOMINATE FOR THAT PILLAR for example, only groups registered within the Environmental Pillar can nominate within that pillar.
The Secretariat meet on a monthly basis (or as required) and are required to attend regional meetings (twice a year) and PPN events. Any nomination to the Secretariat must be from a PPN registered group/organisation and/or from the relevant pillar ( Community & Voluntary, Environment, Social Inclusion)
Criteria for qualification for Secretariat Members
Skills and Experience
Persons being nominated to the Secretariat should have some or all of the following skills and attributes:
- A keen interest and awareness of general issues in the pillar you are seeking to represent
- Be working on the ground, on a voluntary or paid basis, in a community group
- Good organisational skills
- Experience of taking part on a board or committee
- A commitment to attend meetings and PPN events and participating fully in the duties of the Secretariat
In addition to the above, the following generic requirements must be met:
- Elected representatives of Local Authorities cannot be nominated through this process.
- If anyone nominated through this process subsequently decides to enter electoral politics he/she must immediately resign their PPN representative role and the relevant nominating PPN Pillar or Linkage Group will choose a replacement.
- A person who has been an elected representative of any level of Government (local or national) should not be chosen to represent PPN in any representative role for one year after completing their term of office.
- All PPN representatives must meet the criteria laid down by the member organisations that they represent on the PPN.
For more information, contact Bortha or Brian on 056 7794255 or email